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    Enjoy our expert written articles and information content covering all you need for starting and living your life in Germany.

    How to Transfer Money to a Blocked Account in 2024

    April 18, 2024

    Most Comon Accomodation Scams in Germany & How to Avoid Them! 2024

    April 09, 2024

    Top 6 Largest Living Expenses for International Students in Germany - 2024!

    April 09, 2024

    How to Submit Great Documents for your Blocked Account Application 2024

    March 08, 2024

    Best Blocked Account Package for Language Students & Studienkolleg in 2024

    March 14, 2024

    Best Blocked Account Package for University Students in 2024

    March 06, 2024

    How to easily apply to a German University in 2024: Everything you need to know

    March 07, 2024

    How to craft a perfect Letter of Motivation and CV for German Universities - 2024

    April 15, 2024

    Public Universities vs Private Universities in Germany in 2024: A Comprehensive Comparison

    March 14, 2024

    The Best Guide to finding Study Programs in Germany

    March 07, 2024


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